Thursday, July 28, 2011

Urban farming in Detroit

Last friday night we visited our new friend, Chris and his urban farm nearby in the neighborhood. Only a few houses are standing on his block, where basically dozens of homes were demolished over the past few decades. The house he is currently living in was boarded-up and scheduled to be demolished as well, but he made an offer to the city and snagged it for a cool $1,000. Outside he turned what used-to-be the neighbor's house into an urban farm, growing arugula, onions, and probably a dozen other veggie delights. We were very impressed with the gaul he has to both farm and rebuild a house all with his own hands, in a not-so-bustling part of town.
We also met his trusted companion, Odin, a two-year-old pit bull who was very excited to meet a few new people. I think my cast looked like a chew-toy or glove, so I kept it raised whilst trying to pet him. After we got the tour of the house, he had to stay upstairs in the bedroom. A moment later his head poked out at us down below like a child who couldn't play outside with the big kids because it was past his bedtime. Goodnight!

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